Chinese Robots Gained Great Honor at IRC in Korea
Issued on:2013-10-29


From October 24 to 28, 2013, at International Exhibition of Gyeonggi-do, Seoul, Korea, 2013 International Robot Contest (abridged as IRC) was held. The contest was hosted by Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Korea Institute for Robot Industry Advancement and co-founded by Seoul National University of Science and Technology.

As 2013 IRC Chinese Organizing Committee, Shanghai PartnerX, with Chinese Delegation, participated in the contest in Korea. This time China participated in “Five-country Championships” and attended some individual events. After the three-day competition, Chinese delegation won the second prize in the five-country championships.

IRC aims to enhance the robotic technology and promote the development of Korean robotic industry. Together with the contest, there are exhibition and forum. Chinese delegation visited the exhibition. The contestants are interested in it and experienced robot technology and products of different structures and functions.

Site of IRC

Robot arrangement contest

Robot Marathon

Robot royal duel

Chinese delegation came back with honor

Contestants of Chinese delegation cooperated during the contest and helped each other. They shew the team spirit and the firm quality. Friendship has been established.

After the contest ended, Chinese delegation and other delegations were invited to visit Seoul National University and Seoul National University of Science and Technology, and had in-depth communication with technicians

Chinese Delegation visited Seoul National University of Science and Technology

Communication with technician of Seoul National University of Science and Technology