On August 25, almost 500 contestants played an educational robot feast, WER 2019 China Open. After fierce competition, Team CHN043 and Team CHN071 won the first place. A total of 52 teams have qualified for WER 2019 World Championship.
Sang National Anthem
What a shock when all the contestants sang the national anthem together! Children are the hope of the country, science and technology are the weapon of the country. WER makes science and technology integrate into children’s life.
New Record
This time China Open brought together almost 1,000 contestants, coaches and parents from nearly 20 provinces and cities including Jiangsu, Anhui, Shanxi, Shandong, Hunan, Henan, Hebei, Zhejiang, Beijing, Jiangxi, Hubei, Sichuan, and Liaoning, which creates a new record. This is the best proof of the growing influence of WER and also the portrayal of the arrival of the era of AI.
To be Best!
This contest attracted many new participants. “I have done my best. I am very satisfied with my performance today.” These children look immature, but they are self-reliant, and self-confident.